Saturday, July 17, 2010

Charity Cheers thrilling launch! has finally launched the site that is still rough around the digital edges but the popularity of its being and the love and good it strives to exude has happily surprised us.

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to everyone for their positive support, not only among our nearest of kin, but to all those out there in the online community, especially over on Twitter where we seem to have found quite the following in a very short time with increasing attraction and attention. We were actually mentioned in the same ''sentence'' with Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber! And among our online community are weatherman Todd Gross and NFL player Percy Harvin!

We look forward to expanding Charity Cheers, polishing it up and welcome any advise, tips, suggestions, and of course, your donations to help a cause which you can select. You may even win some cash just for being so generous!

We invite you all to join us and please support us!
Look forward to seeing you all there! LOVE!